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​디지털 치료제에 대한
차세대 한림원 회원의
전문 서적 출판

VR Goggles

Research Institute of Hearing Enhancement

청각재활연구소 에 오신 것을 환영합니다.

난청의 기전 대한 기초 연구를 바탕으로 치료제 개발 및 임상 연구, 그리고 의료 기기 개발까지 청각에 대한 전주기적 연구를 하는 연구소로, 난청 연구에서 세계 최고의 연구소가 되기 위해 노력합니다.
Based on basic research on the mechanism of hearing loss, it is a research institute that conducts full-cycle research on hearing from the development of drugs, clinical research, and medical devices, and strives to become the world's best research institute in hearing research.



Recent Highlights


Protective effect of MSC-derived exosomes against cisplatin-induced apoptosis via heat shock protein 70 in auditory explant model

Published in July 2021

Therapeutics based on stem cell technology, including stem cell-derived exosomes, have emerged in recent years for the treatment of what were otherwise considered incurable diseases. In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of human MSC-derived exosomes for protection against cisplatin induced ototoxic hearing loss. Incubation of cochlear explants with MSC-derived exosomes prior to addition of cisplatin induced a reduction in cisplatin-induced drug toxicity in auditory hair cells but not when the exosomes were introduced simultaneously with or after cisplatin. The delivery of MSC-derived exosomes to cochlear explants was confirmed by the increasing protein levels of the exosome markers CD63 and HSP70 to reduce apoptosis. These results were consistent with those from a model in which MSC-derived exosomes protect auditory hair cells from cisplatin-induced drug toxicity in an ex vivo cochlear explant model and support future studies into the therapeutic benefits of stem cell-derived exosomes in clinical applications.


Endocytic trafficking of polymeric clustered superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in mesenchymal stem cells

Published in July 2020


•PCS do not impede MCS differentiation properties and have low toxicity. •PCS nanoparticles are transported to lysosomes via early-late endosomes in MSC. •Nanoparticle-labeled MSCs with supermagnetic properties may exhibit improved homing.


Strategies to enhance efficacy of SPION-labeled stem cell homing by magnetic attraction: a systemic review with meta-analysis

Published in July 2019

Stem cells possess a promising potential in the clinical field. The application and effective delivery of stem cells to the desired target organ or site of injury plays an important role. This review describes strategies on understanding the effective delivery of stem cells labeled with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) using an external magnet to enhance stem cell migration in vivo and in vitro. Fourteen total publications among 174 articles were selected. Stem cell type, SPION characteristics, labeling time, and magnetic force in vivo are considered important factors affecting the effective delivery of stem cells to the homing site. Most papers reported that the efficiency was increased when magnet is applied compared to those without. Ten studies analyzed the homing competency of SPION-labeled MSCs in vitro by observing the migration of the cell toward the external magnet. In cell-based experiments, the mechanism of magnetic attraction, the kind of nanoparticles, and various stem cells were studied well. Meta-analysis has shown the mean size of nanoparticles and degree of recovery or regeneration of damaged target organs upon in vivo studies. This strategy may provide a guideline for designing studies involving stem cell homing and further expand stem cell.


Past and Future


Korean Standard Hearing Data Center

2019년 1월~

- 한국인 연령별/성별 청각 참조데이터 수집 및 생산 (국내 유일)

Collection and production of hearing standard reference data for Koreans by age/gender (only in Korea)

    - 한국인 청각 참조데이터 평가를 통한 참조데이터 자체 등급부여

    - 한국인 청각 참조데이터 등급부여 요청 및 참조표준 등록 요청

    - 국제공동연구를 통한 청각 데이터 생산 및 대규모 연구

    - 국제협력을 통한 국제 청각 데이터베이스 네트워크 구축

       - 이어폰/보청기 산업 및 의료기기 개발 데이터 제공

       - 난청 보건 사업 데이터 제공

       - 청각 관련 APP개발 데이터 제공

​서영준 연구소장

차세대 한림원 회원(2022.1~)

Young Joon Seo (Yosei Univ.)
연세대학교 원주의과대학 이비인후과 주임교수

연세대학교 미래캠퍼스 디지털헬스케어학과 겸임교수

​연세대학교 원주의과대학원 의학통계학과 겸임교수

대한청각학회 연구이사

난청을 치료하는 임상의이자 난청을 연구하는 연구자로서, 청각재활연구소를 기반으로 융합 연구자의 길을 걸어왔습니다. 2015년부터 다양한 융합 연구를 선보인 연구소입니다. 세계 여러 나라 청각 특성화 연구소들과 어깨를 나란히 견줄 수 있는 연구소가 되겠습니다. 
As a clinician who treats patients with hearing loss and a researcher who studies the patho-physiology of hearing loss, I have walked the path of becoming a translational researcher based on our Institute. It is a research institute that has been promoting various translational research since 2015. We will be a research institute that can be compared shoulder to shoulder with other hearing labs in many countries around the world.
청각 특성화 연구소만의 독특한 시각과 연구 방식에서 수년 동안 많은 과정을 거쳐 발전해온 청각 재활연구소만의 우수한 연구들을 볼 수 있습니다. 늘 발전할 기회를 놓치지 않으며, 청각을 연구할 수 있는 우수한 인재를 양성하는데 게을리 하지 않으며, 새로운 융합 연구에 대해 끊임없이 고민합니다.

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