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Various Subjects for Hearing research cover Basic science, Big Data & AI, Medical devices, and Clinical Trials.
Always, we would like to Welcome Collaborations with our Laboratory.

Basic sciences

Homing phenomenon is important for stem cells to have a journey to injury site. The efficacy is so low to the cochlea. We intend to enhance this efficacy of homing with Nanoparticle-Magnetic force. As a carrier, the labeled stem cells would deliver paracrine effects (exosome, drugs, and regenerative genes) to the hair cells of cochlea


Big data & AI

​대한민국 유일의 한국인청각참조표준데이터 센터로 5년간 지정받아, 청각 데이터의 표준을 제정하려고 한다. 청각 데이터 뿐만 아니라, 어지러움에 대한 안진 데이터를 축적하고 인공지능을 통한 분석으로 세계에 어지러움에 대한 적정진료를 가능케 하려고 한다.

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Medical devices

Developed one-stop ventilation tube for otitis media treatment. Attempted ventilation tube insertion, which can be performed without anesthesia.
By developing smart nystagmography, we are developing a dizziness rehabilitation platform using virtual reality and diagnosis of dizziness. In addition, we are developing many medical devices by reflecting demand in clinical fields such as smart balancers and bone conduction hearing aids.

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Clinical Trials

We performed mainly clinical trials for bone conduction hearing aids. The outputs from basic research (exosome, drugs, and medical devices) in our laboratory would be in progress to clinical trials.

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